Tolerance is the result of using amphetamine either as prescribed or for recreational purposes to a point in which the body and the brain become tolerant of the drug. The effects of amphetamine tolerance and how rapidly tolerance develops depends on a variety of factors including the frequency of amphetamine use, the level of amphetamine use and the type of amphetamine being used.
Generally, prescription amphetamines, when used as prescribed, carry a smaller risk of the patient developing a tolerance than when the drugs are used against the prescribed directions or when street amphetamines are used. Methamphetamine, a type of amphetamine which is double synthesized, generally causes tolerance and physical as well as psychological dependence much more quickly than any type of prescription amphetamine available today.
Amphetamine tolerance can lead to addiction which is really at the heart of all dangers associated with amphetamine abuse. When tolerance begins to develop, many users will continue to use more amphetamine laden drugs in an effort to feel the same effects that they once had. This can lead to increasing a dose, taking a dose more often than prescribed or otherwise abusing drugs which contain amphetamine.
As tolerance builds, the user may resort to using other types of amphetamines, he or she may use more of a drug than before and there can even be a risk of developing physical or psychological dependence on amphetamine or drugs which contain amphetamine. This can lead to serious complications when the user continues to abuse amphetamines and to develop an increasingly high tolerance to amphetamine containing drugs.
Amphetamine tolerance develops very quickly when the drug of choice if methamphetamine or any street quality amphetamine such as speed or crank. When these drugs are used, the user risks developing a tolerance very quickly and the more quickly tolerance develops paired with the rapidness of behavioral changes to accommodate the tolerance can lead to an increased risk of addiction. Using more and more of a drug in an effort to produce the same high is a very dangerous result of amphetamine tolerance.